When you spend the year finding creative ways to hire during a pandemic and to give back to your communities, what do you do for an encore? For the Staff Management | SMX teams in Seymour, Jeffersonville, Frankfort, New Albany and Lafayette, Indiana, it was Selfies With Santa.
With COVID-19 taking the ability for Santa to meet with people in person, the teams offered drive-up photo opportunities. Not only was it a huge success, with many visitors and lots of happy parents and children, who came away with goodie bags with crayons, cookies, and candy along with a little packet of coloring pages, but the teams also hired a few dozen people in the process.
“I was surprised by the amount of adults that stopped to ask us about our event and even wanted their picture taken,” said Erin DeWeese, director of operations for Staff Management | SMX.
“I think that is a perfect example of how hard this year has been for so many and how important it is that we are in the communities trying to lift spirits and bring joy. We gave each car the option to stay in the car or get out of the car to take a picture and it was a pretty good mix of both. We all wore our masks, used hand sanitizer and when we were asked to take a photo for a family we would wear gloves before touching their phone. It was a great event and a wonderful turnout.”